Building on the Oregon Coast presents its own unique set of challenges. For the home to withstand the wind, rain and cold, the structure has to be completed as a system, creating an envelope of protection for the home. Specialty building materials are required for the humidity and ever changing climate, developing the framework for the home that will last generations. One hundred percent hands on through the completion of the project; our experience with the ever changing climate provides results.
In comparison to building inland, more detail is required to complete the process, due to the variance of conditions in the coastal region. With rivers, bays, creeks, streams, the ocean, water runoff, drainage, and the rain, water and its effects on a home is given great consideration throughout the entirety of the process. Procedures are in place to provide the greatest possible protection from the weather and changing
conditions throughout the build, as being prepared for changing conditions is key to building on the Oregon Coast.
Weather of all types, ranging from mild, moderate temperatures in the 60's with little to no rain that lead into wind and rain storms that seem to last for days. The marine west coast climate brings us warm summers and cool winters, with not too large of variance, and the precipitation is generally dispersed throughout the year as opposed to long periods of dry in the summer. Humid much of the time, the water saturation levels and moisture levels stay high, even in the summer when the rain is light. There is occasional snowfall that reaches to the Pacific, but usually does not last long. Even with the rain, the coast provides unique moderate conditions that evoke thoughts of paradise, and generally is thought of highly by those who live here.